Friday, April 22, 2011

Nearing the end of my first 90 day transformation

So, I am now 87 days into my P90x program and I am not sure how I feel about that. I mean, I have had really great results and I am so happy about it but its almost like the cold feet you experienced right before your high school graduation. Will I have the drive and determination to proceed to my 2nd 90 day transformation? Will I step up my game and really BRING IT? Uh, hell-to-the-yes! Im beyond excited about the next cycle. Im going completely animal style and doing a P90x/Turbo Fire/Brazil Butt Lift hybrid. I know, I know, it seems like a lot and it may prove to be too much but I wont know until I try. Meanwhile, I am trying to figure out whether I want to go out and buy new clothes. I started this program January 25, 2011 weighing 205 pounds and wearing a size 16. I am now 183 pounds and I wear a size 10. I went to Old Navy yesterday to buy some new jeans so I dont have to rock the "toddler mushy-butt" look anymore. I tried on about 6 pair of boot cut jeans because I didnt want skinny jeans and they all looked weird in different areas. The belly pooched out because my waistline is so much smaller than my hips. Damn! I bought two pair that are going back tomorrow. On a brighter note, I was able to buy medium tank tops. Yeah, your eyes read that right, medium tank tops. The last time I wore medium tank tops I was 16 years old!

Im so excited to be going down south to visit my family this holiday weekend. Most of them dont know I have been working out so they should be pretty surprised. I had a great call with my Beach Body Coach Lindsay this afternoon and I must say, I feel even more confident about making these positive changes in my life. The day I decided to take my health into my own hands was the greatest day of my to my sons birth! This year is taking such a wonderful turn and I couldnt be happier.