Friday, April 15, 2011

Getting Started

So here I am, writing a blog about healthy living. Yeah, I know, totally random right but see I have changed. I am not the same girl that you used to know. Wanna know why? I started P90x January 25, 2011. I woke up that day, went to see my dietitian and realized that I had only lost about 15 pounds since my last visit with her 3 months prior. I was frustrated, sad and falling into a depression. I got home and told Steven all about it and he said the words that changed my life, "babe, lets do P90x together." Well of course I said, no. I didn't want to be ripped up with big 'ol man arms and look like I was hulked up on steroids. So Steven suggested I go to you tube and check out some of the transformation videos. So I did. So at first, several of the videos weren't that great and just didn't show results that I was desperate to have. Then I stumbled upon Ms. Lindsay Matway's transformation video.

"OMG, look at her stomach," is basically what I said. She had amazing results and I wanted similar results. So at that point I did what I always do when researching something or someone...I googled her. I found out a lot about her and found her Beach Body page. I learned 3 very important things about Lindsay. She was a very smart business woman, she was eager to help others and most importantly she was a mommy. So I went online and selected Lindsay as my coach. I emailed her to introduce myself, alert her of the change and talk about my goals. She responded quickly and answered all of my questions, no matter how silly or how complicated. I was on my way.

I put together a meal plan, including Shakeology for my first 90 days (which I am still in). The change in eating was super easy for me, it was the exercise that literally kicked my butt. Man oh man, I dreaded every moment of P90x for the first two weeks. I even cried the first time I did Plyometrics. Then after the first month something started to happen. The work outs were still intense but I no longer felt like quitting. I actually wanting to keep pushing through the pain to burn more calories. My clothes were fitting lose and I was feeling great.

About a month ago, an online support group was created just for my team. We talk to one another and address or struggles and ask questions. This forum has helped me tremendously. There is always some one to answer my questions. There is never a time when I feel all alone. Then just last week, I decided to take the plunge and become a coach. I know, I know, you're probably thinking that I still have a long way to go. Well that is true. I have a long way to go before reaching my maintenance phase, however, I still have the ability to be in this fight with you, struggling with you and supporting you. We can do this together!

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