Sunday, May 1, 2011

Summer Slim Down...Starts today!

I'm not sure why I am still up. I cleaned my house from top to bottom, over the span of 4 long hours and I should be exhausted. If I could work out right now without interrupting my family I totally would.

So lets get down to business. The Summer Slim Down Challenge starts today. I am pretty excited about it. I entered my two cousins in the competition so hopefully, with my coaching, they both do very well. I am in the contest as well but more so to push myself for the next 90 days to have the best possible results I can have. I have decided to tackle 3 programs for the next 90 days. P90x, Brazil Butt Lift and Turbo Fire. I know, I know, I'm a mad woman but I'm going to push myself and if its too much then its too much and I have to wait a bit before doing all three but I think I will be just fine. I did some turbo fire last week during my recovery week and it kicked my butt big time. Doing those routines will definitely make this flab melt away.

I posted my 1-90 day result pics today and it actually felt good. I have come so far and I was happy to share that moment with my team. I'm making so many awesome friends. I feel so lucky to have chosen Bombshell Dynasty. We are a smart, driven, determined, health conscious and motivated group of people. There is so much kindness and honesty and I love it!

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