Sunday, May 29, 2011


I stepped my game up in preparation of Summit next month. I am doing 2-3 workouts a day and man its kickin my butt. I'm fine tuning my routine right now so hopefully I can maximize my results. I am coming along nicely though. I'm in a size 10 right now and I would be awesome if I can get into a size 8 by Summit. After that, I would like to get into a size 2 by August 1!

Steve is still working a lot so its very difficult to stay on task. I am with Lorenzo all day and all evening and I have to work out while he is sleeping or playing and not paying attention to me. It gets hard though. I'm excited at the fact that I am getting so close to my goals. Its a strange feeling to look at myself in the mirror because I still see the same size 16 girl. I have to take pictures to see that I am actually much smaller. Hopefully this will go away! I don't have body issues or anything like that I think it's just that its all happening so quickly and it's hard to wrap my brain around my new body.

I cleaned out my closet and put all my too large clothes in trash bags to be donated. I feel so free! Now my closet is completely empty. All I have are work out clothes so hopefully that translates to more business!


Unknown said...

That's awesome, Qiana! What workouts are you doing? Do you stick to the same calorie count as before or have you up'd it now with more workouts? I try eat 1400-1600 a day, on good days. BBL recommends 1200 for me though.. thoughts?

qianamcglory said...

Melissa, I am doing P90x, Turbo Fire and Brazil Butt Lift. I eat 1800 calories a day because most days I do 3 work outs. I weigh and measure myself tomorrow so if I havent lost a good amount of pounds and inches I may go down to 1600 for a week or two and see how I feel. Its hard to eat 1800 calories most days. Melissa, are you only doing BBL? If so, 1200 calories is fine. If you do Cardio Axe and Bum Bum in the same day, I would suggest throwing in another serving of fruit and lean protein because those two back to back wipe me out!

Unknown said...

I am on week 8 of P90X and just started BBL this week. I am subbing yoga and kenpo with BBL if I am short on time. otherwise doing both. I can workout faithfully everyday, but my eating and cheating has fallen off track this whole last MONTH! I'm so mad at myself for allowing that! According to My fitness pal I should be at about 1400 with an "active" lifestyle.

qianamcglory said...

Melissa, are you going over your calories or just making poor eating choices?