Monday, May 9, 2011

Week #2 of the Sumer Slim Down Challenge

We are now in week 2 of the Summer Slim Down Challenge and man did I struggle in week 1. I ended up working out everyday but I didnt do 3 of my p90x workouts and I feel so incredibly guilty about that. Steven and Lorenzo took me out for Mother's Day yesterday and we went to my favorite place, Las Palmas. I ate some chips and salsa of course. I had a shrimp cocktail for my appetizer and chicken fajitas for my entree...delicious! I definitely ate more than I do for any one meal and I sure as hell felt it about 30 minutes later. We went to the grocery store and walked around and I thought I was going to end up rolling down the aisles of the store! I beat myself up about the meal for a while but really, it was not that big a deal. I sure didn't order what I normally order there which is fried stuff drenched with cheese, sour cream, guacamole and sauce! I feel like I am catching a cold but it doesn't matter I am still going to work out. I have this crazy idea that by the end of this 90 day challenge I can lose 40 lbs, 10 inches from my waist, and 3 inches from each thigh! Since turbo fire is one of the new programs I have incorporated into my routine, I believe it allows for 20 weeks so by the end of that I would like to be down a total of 60-70 pounds and 15-17 inches from my waist and 6 inches from each thigh. I'm doing the work so I know the results will follow!

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