Wednesday, March 5, 2014

16 Weeks Pregnant...with TWINS!

I've had to put my own fitness journey on hold to take extra special care of the precious little babies I'm growing. Yes, you read that right, there are two babies swimming in here. How did this happen? Well of course considering I am not a single gal and my spouse is a male, too much thought doesn't have to go into that part. Where things get interesting is how we arrived at this point, pregnant with two babies.

We had been trying to get pregnant for a little over two years with no success. Our last pregnancy ended at 10 weeks and I was devastated. Fast forward to 2 years later after much consideration and research, I decided to make an appointment with an OB/GYN specializing in infertility. I went in, had some tests done, simple enough right? Wrong. It turned out I didn't ovulate. All this time I thought I just had the wrong time or not enough adult fun. My doctor put me on 50 mg of Clomid. For those that do not know, Clomid is a very common drug used to jump start ovulation. I took it as directed. A little while after the final pill, I went in for more blood tests. Sadly, my Progesterone (female hormone) was so low (3.03) that not only was I not pregnant but I hadn't even ovulated. My only recourse was to double the dosage. The thing about Clomid is you cant take it until your cycle begins so I was patiently awaiting my cycle and it was taking much longer than normal. I began experiencing severe nausea, headaches, sore gums and extreme mood swings. I asked some friends who were also trying to conceive if they experienced those symptoms after taking Clomid and they all had. I was determined to stick it out.
About 2 weeks after the symptoms started I had abdominal pain 3 nights in a row. It was so uncomfortable that I had to take some Aleeve. On a whim I decided to go and buy a home pregnancy kit. I bought it, took the test and before I could even get the cap back on it was positive.
I took another the following day and the same thing happened. I went to the doctor and had blood and urine tests done. A few days later my nurse calls me and says," Congratulations, you're definitely pregnant." I was thrilled but still cautious due to my miscarriage in the past. The next words she spoke will be etched in my mind forever. " I don't want to alarm you but your numbers were very high, high enough to be multiples, however they are also still within normal range for a singleton." My excitement turned to downright fear and confusion. She had me in the doctors office within days of that conversation. Not even a full 60 seconds in with the Ultrasound Technician and she located both my little angels. All I could do was lie there and cry. "I got my blessing, I finally got my blessing." It was one of the best moments of my life. My doctor told me that I basically defied logic. My hormones were so low that there was no way I was supposed to be pregnant let alone be pregnant with twins. I really and truly feel blessed beyond measure. I immediately shared with Steven and then with my two closest friends Becky and Juri. They were equally thrilled and excited for me. I chose to wait to share the information with my family. I told them all at 12 weeks.
I am still in shock. I'm growing very quickly, however I still don't feel like its happening to me. There are so many things to consider and so many things to buy. Steve is definitely warming up to the idea of twins, he's just hoping they aren't two girls. He thinks its very important that our son have a brother and I'm inclined to believe him. I have a doctors appointment next weeks so hopefully we will have the big reveal then!

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