Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter with the fam-bam

I went down to Orange County for Easter with my family and I had a really great time. We started the weekend off with dinner at my uncle Mateo's house. He is also doing P90x and looks HAWT! He prepared a delicious, healthy dinner for us. I love that some members of my family are becoming so health conscious. We had great company and Lorenzo was able to kick and splash in the Jacuzzi.

We had Easter dinner at my grandmas house in Santa Ana and that was delish! I ate a cup of her mac & cheese, ham, prime rib, fruit and veggies. I was so proud of myself. I didn't stuff my face and I didn't eat any candy. See, I am learning something!

Everyone was so happy to see us and they could see that I have been working very hard. There were so many questions about my diet and exercise regimen and I was more than happy to answer. I think I convinced a couple of them to climb aboard the Team Bombshell train but I don't want to get ahead of myself. Today is day 1 of week 13...recovery week. I am so anxious to get to Monday so I can start my Turbo Fire/Brazil Butt Lift/P90x hybrid. If all goes well I should be quite the hot tamale in 90 days!

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