Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Team Bombshell Weekly Call

Had a great team call this evening. So many good points were brought up and there was so much information provided. As the days go by, I am becoming more comfortable with this business. My team is ripping it up and performing so well. At times I feel like I am slacking because I am not signing coaches. I also am not marketing myself the way I could be-partly because I am not yet to a point where I want to share pictures of my body. I am in week 13 and I am extremely proud of myself for sticking with this program and for changing my life. My body is transforming and I have more energy and confidence. I feel better than I have in years, shouldn't I be happy to share my before and current pictures? I don't really feel like I am ever going to have "after" pictures because this is a journey for life. I am starting my next 90 days on Monday and I am so excited. I think I'm going to bit the bullet and post my pictures this weekend. Makes sense considering my team has a competition starting May 1 and it requires pictures. Wish me luck!

I started Turbo Fire today and I have to tell you...it was INTENSE! I enjoyed myself so much because of all the dancing but man, it was fast paced and required a great deal in coordination. I'm doing this 5 day inferno for Turbo Fire so hopefully it pays off.

You know they say that once you get something in line in your life other things go wrong...uh, that's so right. I am so focused on my transformation and my beach body business that I have neglected school. I'm not doing very well and the worst part is, I dint even feel bad about it. I am having so much fun making friends with the folks in my group that school just isn't a major issue for me. I'm going to try to get back into school...going to class everyday is good advertisement for Team Bombshell!

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