Monday, May 30, 2011

Peaceful day

I finally had a peaceful, relaxing a day. I got my workouts in and Lorenzo actually let me get it done. He only had one melt down while I was doing Fire 55 EZ so I needed the break. My house is a complete disaster and the bathroom is only half decorated. ARG! So many things to do and there just isnt enough time in the day. Do you ever feel like you have a ton of stuff to do and as you go down your to do list you never get done? I mean it's like I add more things than I check off! I am redecorating my bathroom and my son's room. The bathroom is easy because it's now navy blue and white which is perfect for summer. The problem is my sons room is his room 90% of the time. The other 10%, his sister Tayler shares the room with him. I would love to give him a really fun, toddler room but I dont want her to feel uncomfortable. Also, I feel like he will be transitioning to a toddler bed soon and be out of his crib and the design I have in mind involves his crib! Decisions, decisions. At least my workouts are coming together and I am getting through them easier. I had a little back pain today during a HIIT workout but it seems to be gone now.

We have the Memorial Day Parade here in Farmersville tomorrow so that will be nice. It's super fun and kind of cheesy but it's nice to watch. My plan for tomorrow is to get up at 7, get my cleaning done by 9 and do my Turbo Fire until 10. Then I will be free to watch the parade and enjoy the day!

Sunday, May 29, 2011


I stepped my game up in preparation of Summit next month. I am doing 2-3 workouts a day and man its kickin my butt. I'm fine tuning my routine right now so hopefully I can maximize my results. I am coming along nicely though. I'm in a size 10 right now and I would be awesome if I can get into a size 8 by Summit. After that, I would like to get into a size 2 by August 1!

Steve is still working a lot so its very difficult to stay on task. I am with Lorenzo all day and all evening and I have to work out while he is sleeping or playing and not paying attention to me. It gets hard though. I'm excited at the fact that I am getting so close to my goals. Its a strange feeling to look at myself in the mirror because I still see the same size 16 girl. I have to take pictures to see that I am actually much smaller. Hopefully this will go away! I don't have body issues or anything like that I think it's just that its all happening so quickly and it's hard to wrap my brain around my new body.

I cleaned out my closet and put all my too large clothes in trash bags to be donated. I feel so free! Now my closet is completely empty. All I have are work out clothes so hopefully that translates to more business!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Almost 30 days in

Yuck...I'm almost 30 days into this round of P90x/Turbo Fire/Brazil Butt Lift (picture time) and I feel great but Im not sure I am having the results I want. I think I kind of do this every month though so we will wait for the 30 day measurements. Doing 2-4 workouts a day is VERY HARD! It's kickin my butt for sure. I am trying to prepare for Summit which will be here June 15th! I am soooooooooooo excited. I will get to see some of my favorite peeps and I can pick their brains about Beach Body, coaching and their transformation. Im eating great, feeling great and so looking forward to tomorrow!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Two and a half months left

So I just realized today that I am half way through my first 30 days of the 90 day challenge. I'm so excited! I am doing really well too. I have 3 work outs a day most days but I do have rest days! I am totally looking forward to what my body will look like in two and a half months.

I have so much fun interacting with my fellow coaches and I'm learning so much. I know exactly what kind of Beach Body Business Owner I am as well as what kind I am striving to become. I am working on my own time clock. I am not in competition with my teammates because I know that once the time is right, I will be flooded with emails and so many coach requests that I will be busy out of my mind. I have what other coaches don't. I am a survivor. I am a hard worker. I am dedicated. I am focused on helping people more than making money. I believe it's not too late for me to follow my dreams!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Week #2 of the Sumer Slim Down Challenge

We are now in week 2 of the Summer Slim Down Challenge and man did I struggle in week 1. I ended up working out everyday but I didnt do 3 of my p90x workouts and I feel so incredibly guilty about that. Steven and Lorenzo took me out for Mother's Day yesterday and we went to my favorite place, Las Palmas. I ate some chips and salsa of course. I had a shrimp cocktail for my appetizer and chicken fajitas for my entree...delicious! I definitely ate more than I do for any one meal and I sure as hell felt it about 30 minutes later. We went to the grocery store and walked around and I thought I was going to end up rolling down the aisles of the store! I beat myself up about the meal for a while but really, it was not that big a deal. I sure didn't order what I normally order there which is fried stuff drenched with cheese, sour cream, guacamole and sauce! I feel like I am catching a cold but it doesn't matter I am still going to work out. I have this crazy idea that by the end of this 90 day challenge I can lose 40 lbs, 10 inches from my waist, and 3 inches from each thigh! Since turbo fire is one of the new programs I have incorporated into my routine, I believe it allows for 20 weeks so by the end of that I would like to be down a total of 60-70 pounds and 15-17 inches from my waist and 6 inches from each thigh. I'm doing the work so I know the results will follow!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bit off more than I can chew

I am in day two of my new workout plan...Brazil Butt Lift/P90x/Turbo Fire and man oh man am I in pain! My body is aching so bad. I feel like I did when I first started P90x. Today I had Plyometrics and I barely got through it...I'm so sore! I'm not going to quit though. The plan is to take off another 4-7 inches from waist, 5 inches from my hips, 3 inches from each thigh and 2 inches from each arm...all within the next 88 days. I realize this is an extremely aggressive goal but I am going to try my best. With all the cardio I am doing I should start burning fat like a mad woman! I'm most looking forward to the fat shredding and the butt lifting! Man, just thinking about my beach body and swimming in a pool makes me smile. I haven't even worn shorts in public in like 5 years! I still have a long way to go but I am so proud of how far I have come. My team gives me so much support and I have made some great friends; Farah, Abby Fix, Kati, Markie, Juri, Jasmine, Amanda and of course Lindsay! Amanda Allen is my success partner and she is amazing! I cant believe I am actually having fun exercising!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Summer Slim Down...Starts today!

I'm not sure why I am still up. I cleaned my house from top to bottom, over the span of 4 long hours and I should be exhausted. If I could work out right now without interrupting my family I totally would.

So lets get down to business. The Summer Slim Down Challenge starts today. I am pretty excited about it. I entered my two cousins in the competition so hopefully, with my coaching, they both do very well. I am in the contest as well but more so to push myself for the next 90 days to have the best possible results I can have. I have decided to tackle 3 programs for the next 90 days. P90x, Brazil Butt Lift and Turbo Fire. I know, I know, I'm a mad woman but I'm going to push myself and if its too much then its too much and I have to wait a bit before doing all three but I think I will be just fine. I did some turbo fire last week during my recovery week and it kicked my butt big time. Doing those routines will definitely make this flab melt away.

I posted my 1-90 day result pics today and it actually felt good. I have come so far and I was happy to share that moment with my team. I'm making so many awesome friends. I feel so lucky to have chosen Bombshell Dynasty. We are a smart, driven, determined, health conscious and motivated group of people. There is so much kindness and honesty and I love it!