Friday, November 9, 2012

Feeling pretty great!

A little under a week back into my routine and I have to say, I'm feeling pretty fantastic! This week has not been perfect or without some setbacks but overall I feel accomplished and happy about whats to come. A friend of mine is going to be my accountability partner for the same program which is a great help. We both have children around the same age and have similar family obligations. I know she will rock it and we will feel and look better at the end of the program.

Lorenzo stayed home today because he isn't feeling well. He has been dealing with a cold this week but starting vomiting around 3:15 this morning! He seems to be feeling better and is actually eating some food. I hope he feels better soon because we were going to do some fun things outdoors and enjoy the 3 day weekend.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Fell of the wagon...AGAIN!

So I totally fell of the wagon again. I have not been as consistent with my work outs or my diet lately and boy does my waistline show it! Not only is it embarrassing but I feel like Ive lost my edge in so many aspects of my life. I've been in a rut. Its okay to say that. I have had no desire to do anything other than eat, drink coffee and relax.

Sad? Maybe. Depressed? Probably. Fed up? DEFINITELY!

I have created this problem, this situation that I'm currently in. I can blame no one for my lack of motivation. Well, watching the Avengers and Jake and the Neverland Pirates with Lorenzo is a lot more fun however none of that will make me healthy. I have to stop making excuses. I had tremendous success with P90x and Turbo Fire to the tune of 60lb weight loss!

So what needs to change?

I am pledging, today, that I will prepare my meals for the next week on Sunday.

I will write out my work out schedule this evening.

I will work out tomorrow morning.

I will use the fancy pink leather bound planner I bought to actually schedule things and get my life back in order.

I will update my blog EVERYDAY whether it was a good or bad day for accountability.

I'm doing the work to get to the person that I need to be. Are you willing to do the work?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Insanity - Take 2

I'm pretty excited that I made it through month 1 of Insanity but I dont really feel like I did my best and I took a trip to Vegas and drank and ate lots of filet mignon and too many desserts. So, I think that the best thing for me to do is to repeat month 1 of Insanity and step my nutrition up and really go hard.

My clients are doing extremely well on their journeys. I am so completely and totally blessed to be a part of their lives. Weight loss, muscle doesnt matter, I feel like a mama watching my kids graduate. I'm so proud of them!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Insanity - Week 2

Im super thrilled right now because I made it to week two of Insanity. The first time I attempted this program I only made it to day 5. I am so determined to reach my size 4 goal after 2 rounds of Insanity. IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN! Im working harder than I ever have and its paying off already. If you want to shed some pounds quickly, Insanity + Shakeology is the way to go!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Super Sore

This is day 4 of Insanity and I am pretty sore. I am extremely determined to complete the program and go longer than a week which I think is around how long I went last time. Yes, its very intense. Not so much difficult, just intense because its so fast and repetitive. Picture being a football or basketball player and doing drills to make you jump higher and move faster...that's basically Insanity!

I will do two rounds which means 120 days and finish right before Beach Body Summit which is perfect. So far so good!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Shaun T are you F'n kidding me?

So I decided to start Insanity again and hopefully make it passed the first week. Well day 2 and man even after losing so much weight Shaun T has a way of reminding me that I still have a very, very long way to go.

I'm doing a crazy ass hybrid of Insanity, Hip Hop Abs and Brazil Butt Lift. The last time I did an insane hybrid I had really great results and with Summit around the corner I have to "Do Work."

Tomorrow is a new day and I am actually looking forward to it. I'm still in a size 10 and every morning I wake up to see a pair of size 6 jeans hanging on the closet door...motivation. My hope is that I am in a size 6 in two months and then a 4 two months after that. Boy do I have my work cut out for me. Wish me luck!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Im Back!

So I took a super long break from blogging...totally unplanned but now I'm back. Just to recap how I spent that break. After my miscarriage, I went into a depression and stopped working out and taking care of myself. Just as I got myself back in the game, my gallstones became a major problem. The pain was so severe that I went to the emergency room the day after Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, I must have been interrupting their weekend plans because they gave me some strong pain killers in an IV, wrote me a prescription for pain killers and sent me home. Over the next few days the pain increased substantially and my eyes and skin yellowed. I went to my doctor who told me she would submit a request for me to see a internist and it would take about 2 weeks. Then she went on to tell me my blood and urine tests were normal. What she seemed to have overlooked was the fact that I hadn't had any blood drawn and the urine sample I submitted was brown...yes that's right, BROWN. So I said, "excuse me that cant be right, my urine is brown so there is no way that's normal." She stepped out of the room and came back after 5 minutes or so and said the urine was too dark to be tested. RED FLAG! Hello...maybe this is serious. Anyway, her parting words were that I should go to the hospital if I am in pain.

I was furious. So I left the doctors office and went home to relax which is no easy feat when you have a toddler. The next morning I was in so much pain, hadn't eaten in days and could barely stand up straight. I drove myself to the emergency room. The minute I arrived the nurse asked me if my skin was normally that yellow and I said no. She told me I looked very ill and she was concerned. Finally, someone was listening to me. Someone gave a shit whether I lived or died. Gave another urine sample and agonized through the 8 or 9 attempts to get an IV in just to have one put in my wrist...the under side (OUCH). The doctor saw the black urine by that time and admitted me to the hospital immediately. The ultrasound revealed that my bile duct was blocked. This led to my jaundice which was extreme by that time. I was far more sick than I thought. The first surgery I had was to remove the stones and clear the bile duct. That was a success. It was super weird during the prep because you are on your stomach and there is a tube in your mouth and you cant close your mouth or swallow...very unpleasant. The second surgery was the biggie. My gallbladder was removed the following day and I was terrified. I had never had a major surgery like that. So 4 incisions were made in my stomach and then I was puffed with air to make space in my abdominal cavity. Gallbladder removed! After care was hard. I couldn't move very well and I was in a lot of pain. I spent 4 days in the hospital healing. My red blood cell count was decreasing and I was close to having a blood transfusion but luckily the numbers stabilized and started to increase.

The morning I was to be released Steve dropped Lorenzo off with his sister. He then came and picked me up. What we didn't know is that while Lorenzo was with his aunt he was hit repeatedly. Steve picked Lorenzo up and brought him home. When I changed his diaper I saw that his entire buttocks and thighs were purple. I was completely beside myself. I screamed and cried for several minutes. We took Lorenzo to the emergency room to be examined and ensure there was no internal damage. The police came out and took pictures of him. The person who hit him was arrested.

Thankfully, Lorenzo did not have any signs of internal damage. I had so much fear and rage and it was just a really, really difficult time for my family. Lorenzo would not let me out of his sight for weeks. He woke up screaming night after night. As a mother my heart was breaking because I didn't know how to help my son. I was truly helpless.

All ties have been severed with Steve's sister.

Lorenzo's bruising eventually went away and hopefully he doesn't remember what happened to him. The person who hurt him was sentenced to an extremely short time due to jail overcrowding but he is to attend anger management classes for a year and there is a perpetual order of protection against him. So that's how my year ended.

I vowed that 2012 would be a great year and so far it is. I'm back on my program and I'm preparing Lorenzo for daycare/preschool. I'm incredibly nervous but I trust the staff and I know that they will take great care of my baby. He starts on Monday so it will be very interesting to see how it goes!