Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bit off more than I can chew

I am in day two of my new workout plan...Brazil Butt Lift/P90x/Turbo Fire and man oh man am I in pain! My body is aching so bad. I feel like I did when I first started P90x. Today I had Plyometrics and I barely got through it...I'm so sore! I'm not going to quit though. The plan is to take off another 4-7 inches from waist, 5 inches from my hips, 3 inches from each thigh and 2 inches from each arm...all within the next 88 days. I realize this is an extremely aggressive goal but I am going to try my best. With all the cardio I am doing I should start burning fat like a mad woman! I'm most looking forward to the fat shredding and the butt lifting! Man, just thinking about my beach body and swimming in a pool makes me smile. I haven't even worn shorts in public in like 5 years! I still have a long way to go but I am so proud of how far I have come. My team gives me so much support and I have made some great friends; Farah, Abby Fix, Kati, Markie, Juri, Jasmine, Amanda and of course Lindsay! Amanda Allen is my success partner and she is amazing! I cant believe I am actually having fun exercising!


angietran1982 said...

Girl you got this!!! ;)

Amanda said...

Aww I didn't know you started a blog until just now!! I love this. Way to go girlfriend! I am so excited to be with you on this journey and I know we will really push eachother together! You are doing great! So glad you're my success partner because you rock!!