Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Insanity begins Monday!

Im starting Insanity on Monday and boy am I scared! I know it will be intense and hard but I am no stranger to either of those. After all, I made it through P90x and Turbo Fire. I have tried Insanity before so its not completely foreign to me but I know its what I need to do to get 30 lbs off in two months!

We are heading down to Arcadia for a company bbq. Im not the least bit stressed about either. I know that I can eat, minus the bbq sauce and I will be fine. I dont plan to take my work out clothes because I wont be working out. We will only be down there one night and I want to enjoy it.

This week was full of struggles though. I finally lost the weight I gained in Utah so that was great but then it was like my eating fell apart. I wasnt eating bad...I was barely eating at all. Im not sure how or why this happened but it did. I have spent weeks making my body a fat burning machine and I did some real damage this week. I guess its that much more important that I start Insanity on Monday. It's time to take care of business and KICK FATS ASS!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Utah was AWESOME!

We just got home from Utah and I have to say we had the best time. We went there for a wedding and to spend time with friends and it was a lot of fun. What's not so fun is the realization that I haven't worked out since Thursday and I gained 3 lbs over the weekend. YUCK! Let me recap my weekend for you.

Thursday night we left our house at about 11pm so we got to socal around 2am. We dropped off my stepdaughter and then drove to Buena Park to drop off Lorenzo. We arrive there around 3 only to realize we forgot his suitcase. I considered staying behind and just going back home and letting Steve go alone but my mom assured me she would take care of it. So we were off! Once we left it was about 3:30 am and we were STARVING. The only thing open at the time was jack in the box. Yes, yes, I know, not the best option but it was the only option. I could have ordered a salad or something but instead I ordered a chicken pita, fries and soda! Shameful right? I don't even know how the words came out of my mouth. I haven't had fast food in ages and I really thought I kicked the habit but apparently I have not. I ate the pita and drank the diet coke. I let the fries get cold purposely so I wouldn't eat them. I ate a few and that was it. We arrived at the hotel at 4am only to rest for an hour and get up to get ready for our 7:50 flight. I grabbed a turkey, bacon and cheese wrap and a coffee for breakfast. It was downhill after that. Chicken philly at the mall, followed by filet mignon with a blue cheese and panco crust...and cocktails. Breakfast the next morning was a buffet. DANGER! DANGER! I made sure to order my egg white omelet and eat that first. I ate bacon, french toast (no butter or syrup) and a danish. After than I had some snacks: almonds, chips fruit. Dinner was another filet and crab cake in a nice bernaise sauce with augratin potatoes, broccoli, sweet potatoes and cheesecake for dessert. Oh and more cocktails. I ate so much food but I have to tell you I feel more guilt about not working out. I have come to look forward to working out. I don't like it but I know its necessary. I am a foodie and always will be but I know that I can not lose control like this ever again.

This weekend we are going back down to socal for the weekend. I will not allow myself to be lazy for slack on my eating plan. These 30 lbs have to come off by October 1 and that will not happen without dedication and hard work. Here goes nothing!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Wedding Season

So we are in summer wedding season! I have two weddings in the next couple weeks and a few more to come. I'm so excited! Weddings are so much fun and it gives me an excuse to get dressed up! I ordered a few dresses and to my surprise they all fit. Secretly I had hoped they would be a bit large but its okay, they fit and are not too tight.

I'm starting Insanity next week. I'm pretty excited about it. I think its going to help me get this last 30lbs off in a relatively short amount of time. I'm still trying to figure out how I can incorporate my favorite programs into some sort of schedule because I get something different from each one and I want a complete workout. Besides, I am working on my Serena Williams butt so I can not stop doing Brazil Butt Lift.

I took the kids (Lorenzo, my stepdaughter Tayler and niece Hannah) to Soak City and the Orange County Fair over the weekend and boy did they have fun. I made very bad food decisions both days but I don't regret it. I ate fun food and I enjoyed myself. I certainly didn't eat everything I wanted but I splurged a bit. I gained 6 lbs in a week! I didn't work out everyday like I normally do so we will just consider it a vacation. Now its time to get back to what took me from a size 16 to a size 10.

Flying out to Utah this weekend and then next weekend I have a bbq and then another wedding so there will be a lot of traveling and a lot of opportunities to eat bad food. I am going to dedicate myself to these programs to meet my goal of  30lbs by October 1. It's very aggressive I know but I know I can do it. I have been slacking off but no more of that. I also bought new swimsuits...which I have not even tried on because I am afraid of how they will look. I am taking some before pictures tonight since I am starting Brazil Butt Lift again tomorrow. I'm ready to bring it!