Monday, November 7, 2011

Wow, time is flying

So recently I started questioning a few things in my life. Whether or not I wanted to move back down to Orange County, what career goal would I set for myself and when will I have more kids. These issues may seem small to some but they completely consumed my thoughts. Not knowing the answers sent me into a depression and things kind of went from bad to worse.

I was thrilled with my major weight loss, so thrilled that I started slacking. My 60 pound weight loss started to disappear. I started Insanity the first week of August and could barely make it through the workouts without feeling sick, light headed and getting a headache. About a week into that I decided to take a pregnancy test and wouldn't you know it, I was pregnant. This news was met with mixed feelings. Although I definitely view a child as a blessing, I also had big fitness goals and a certain time frame to execute my plan. Went to the doctor to confirm. Stopped working out and eating right. The pounds were packing on like crazy! There was another problem. This pregnancy made me feel completely different than my other one. I was exhausted all the time, my body ached and I had migraines. I read enough to know that every pregnancy was different but these symptoms were unbearable.

As the weeks went by I started having severe cramps and spotting  which turned to heavy bleeding. I think I knew in my heart that this wasn't going to turn out well. I had bleeding with my first pregnancy but it lasted a short time and wasn't accompanied by cramps. Things came to a head on a Friday night. I had the most extreme pain I had ever experienced. Terrible migraine, upset stomach and lower back pain that actually felt like labor. Even with all this, I still didn't want to go to the hospital. I went to the doctor 4 days later and found out that the pregnancy had ended. I was devastated. I cried in the exam room because the doctor put his hand on my shoulder and told me everything would be okay and that there was no reason I couldn't go on to have a healthy baby in the future. He was giving me good news so to speak however I couldn't get passed the fact that I no longer had a baby growing inside me.

The level of emptiness you feel after something like that is indescribable. I waited until I got to the car to call Steve and I broke down in tears. I just kept looking at Lorenzo feeling so bad that he wasn't going to have a baby brother or sister 7 months from then. I had already chosen bedding, room decor, clothes, supplies, stroller and car shower decorations-you name it, I chose it. I registered on gift registries and signed up for weekly newsletters. I went all out and to find out that I was no longer pregnant was more than I could handle.

I spent days sitting and crying. I wanted to curl up in bed and sleep but I have Lorenzo and he deserved a mommy that was there for him. I picked myself up and moved out to the couch! HAHAHA. The poor diet went into full swing. During the 8 weeks I was pregnant I gained 12 pounds. The month following that, I gained another 10 pounds. I was mortified when I got on the scale. I had worked so hard to lose weight and here I was gaining it like there was no tomorrow. The doctor told me to rest for 4 weeks ad also to wait 4-5 months before trying to have a baby...which was perfect. I told myself, "OK, lets say 5 months to get in the best shape of my life, then when we try to get pregnant I will be completely healthy." So that's what I am doing. I am in week two of P90x. I am on a mission to have a lean, sexy,fit body and I will. I have too much at stake to give up.

Being so determined and dedicated to my work outs is helping figure things out. I know that as much as I miss my family and have reconnected with old friends that I would like to spend time with, my family needs to stay here. We are doing well, very well and I need to ride this thing out. Living up here allows me to be home taking care of my son and that's how I like it. As far as school goes, I have decided that I am still best suited to help people with problems so I will continue with my social work classes. If I become inspired but something else, it will have to wait.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Lazy Ass

I have been the biggest lazy ass lately. I was "hormonal" this week so I didnt want to do much of anything, and I didnt. I worked out a few days this week, gained weight and feel like a slouch. I worked out hard yesterday and today and am terribly sore, however its totally worth it. I am going to start a Shakeology cleanse on Monday only I am going to try to do it 5 days instead of 3. We shall see how it goes!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Insanity begins Monday!

Im starting Insanity on Monday and boy am I scared! I know it will be intense and hard but I am no stranger to either of those. After all, I made it through P90x and Turbo Fire. I have tried Insanity before so its not completely foreign to me but I know its what I need to do to get 30 lbs off in two months!

We are heading down to Arcadia for a company bbq. Im not the least bit stressed about either. I know that I can eat, minus the bbq sauce and I will be fine. I dont plan to take my work out clothes because I wont be working out. We will only be down there one night and I want to enjoy it.

This week was full of struggles though. I finally lost the weight I gained in Utah so that was great but then it was like my eating fell apart. I wasnt eating bad...I was barely eating at all. Im not sure how or why this happened but it did. I have spent weeks making my body a fat burning machine and I did some real damage this week. I guess its that much more important that I start Insanity on Monday. It's time to take care of business and KICK FATS ASS!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Utah was AWESOME!

We just got home from Utah and I have to say we had the best time. We went there for a wedding and to spend time with friends and it was a lot of fun. What's not so fun is the realization that I haven't worked out since Thursday and I gained 3 lbs over the weekend. YUCK! Let me recap my weekend for you.

Thursday night we left our house at about 11pm so we got to socal around 2am. We dropped off my stepdaughter and then drove to Buena Park to drop off Lorenzo. We arrive there around 3 only to realize we forgot his suitcase. I considered staying behind and just going back home and letting Steve go alone but my mom assured me she would take care of it. So we were off! Once we left it was about 3:30 am and we were STARVING. The only thing open at the time was jack in the box. Yes, yes, I know, not the best option but it was the only option. I could have ordered a salad or something but instead I ordered a chicken pita, fries and soda! Shameful right? I don't even know how the words came out of my mouth. I haven't had fast food in ages and I really thought I kicked the habit but apparently I have not. I ate the pita and drank the diet coke. I let the fries get cold purposely so I wouldn't eat them. I ate a few and that was it. We arrived at the hotel at 4am only to rest for an hour and get up to get ready for our 7:50 flight. I grabbed a turkey, bacon and cheese wrap and a coffee for breakfast. It was downhill after that. Chicken philly at the mall, followed by filet mignon with a blue cheese and panco crust...and cocktails. Breakfast the next morning was a buffet. DANGER! DANGER! I made sure to order my egg white omelet and eat that first. I ate bacon, french toast (no butter or syrup) and a danish. After than I had some snacks: almonds, chips fruit. Dinner was another filet and crab cake in a nice bernaise sauce with augratin potatoes, broccoli, sweet potatoes and cheesecake for dessert. Oh and more cocktails. I ate so much food but I have to tell you I feel more guilt about not working out. I have come to look forward to working out. I don't like it but I know its necessary. I am a foodie and always will be but I know that I can not lose control like this ever again.

This weekend we are going back down to socal for the weekend. I will not allow myself to be lazy for slack on my eating plan. These 30 lbs have to come off by October 1 and that will not happen without dedication and hard work. Here goes nothing!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Wedding Season

So we are in summer wedding season! I have two weddings in the next couple weeks and a few more to come. I'm so excited! Weddings are so much fun and it gives me an excuse to get dressed up! I ordered a few dresses and to my surprise they all fit. Secretly I had hoped they would be a bit large but its okay, they fit and are not too tight.

I'm starting Insanity next week. I'm pretty excited about it. I think its going to help me get this last 30lbs off in a relatively short amount of time. I'm still trying to figure out how I can incorporate my favorite programs into some sort of schedule because I get something different from each one and I want a complete workout. Besides, I am working on my Serena Williams butt so I can not stop doing Brazil Butt Lift.

I took the kids (Lorenzo, my stepdaughter Tayler and niece Hannah) to Soak City and the Orange County Fair over the weekend and boy did they have fun. I made very bad food decisions both days but I don't regret it. I ate fun food and I enjoyed myself. I certainly didn't eat everything I wanted but I splurged a bit. I gained 6 lbs in a week! I didn't work out everyday like I normally do so we will just consider it a vacation. Now its time to get back to what took me from a size 16 to a size 10.

Flying out to Utah this weekend and then next weekend I have a bbq and then another wedding so there will be a lot of traveling and a lot of opportunities to eat bad food. I am going to dedicate myself to these programs to meet my goal of  30lbs by October 1. It's very aggressive I know but I know I can do it. I have been slacking off but no more of that. I also bought new swimsuits...which I have not even tried on because I am afraid of how they will look. I am taking some before pictures tonight since I am starting Brazil Butt Lift again tomorrow. I'm ready to bring it!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The weekend is upon us

So, I'm pretty excited that I sent out 8 shakeology samples this week. Hopefully everyone will like it and place an order. Also, I am going to work with 4 people over the next year and help them lose at least 50 lbs! I'm so stoked about this opportunity because not only will it change their lives and mine but they have the chance to win $100,000! I know right. That's totally worth working out and eating right. I'm also going to enter the contest myself to keep me motivated and accountable.

I decided today that I will start a Shakeology cleanse tomorrow. My girl Abby lost like 9 lbs doing the cleanse so hopefully I can do the same and jump start things. I am also going ultra low carbs and no dairy for 90 days. I want to see if I can zap more of this belly fat. Its a good thing that I don't really eat bread, pasta or rice so it shouldn't be that hard. The dairy part will be a struggle because I loves my cheese!
I'm just going to focus on the fact that I want to get in shape more than I love cheese!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Small town life bites

I think I'm totally getting over living in a small town. I don't know anyone and we don't do anything here but live. If have to go to another town to do all my shopping,doctors appointments...everything! I'm kind of over it. I have decided that I am going to push myself harder than ever before at building relationships and establishing my Beach Body Business. I want a new house and the only guarantee of having exactly what I want is if I buy it myself! I know that I have what it takes to be successful without a doubt. Its just a matter of stepping out of my comfort zone and meeting new people. Where will I meet these people? Walmart, Target, the mall, grocery store, Costco and the park. So many things to do. I need to check up on my business cards, join the chamber and figure out whether I also want to open a retail store in town, in the mall. Whatever I decide to do, I will do to my fullest capability...with a smile on my face.

I'm getting better and scheduling time for certain tasks. My to-do list doesn't seem to get shorter so I am going to revise that shortly. Typing with a toddler whining and hanging on you is pretty hard. I'm not sure what is wrong with this boy but he seriously driving me nuts. Looks like this entry will be cut short because he us having a melt down!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summit 2011!

I know, I know, I should totally be ashamed that I havent posted in several days and havent updated my blog at all. Well I'm doing it now so please forgive me. The annual Beach Body Summit has come and gone and it was an incredible experience. I met the leaders of my team plus many, many other coaches and of course the trainers! I met Shaun T and I was seriously about to just plant one on his cheeks! He is that hot.  Anyway, I have this new fire in my belly and I am determined to make my dreams comes true. Im starting with my exterior and at the same time my self development. I have created a blueprint for myself and I am so happy to get started tomorrow!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Starting the week right

So I want to start my own fit club...definitely not here in Farmersville but in a larger town. I'm thinking I would like to start one in July or August. It's definitely needed and there isn't one that I know of. I honestly think that starting a fit club will take my business to the next level! On another note, I ate the most delicious cup cake today! It was some sort of pineapple cream cheese kind of thing and it was so tasty! I had to do an extra workout to burn those calories right off.

I'm starting a Shakeology cleanse tomorrow or rather today since it's after midnight. I love the cleanse because I love Shakeology and if I could live on just that I would! This week is going to be awesome and I am looking forward to making new friends and helping more people!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Looking and feeling great

I've been away for a few days but I'm back! I needed to regroup and make some changes. I have gotten rid of most of the clutter in my house and tightened up my work out schedule. I am working so darn hard it's not even funny. My heart is thanking me! Every workout I do is because I want to watch my son grow up and have a family of his own. I also want to have another baby next year! I'm feeling so happy and brand new. I cant remember a time in my life when I felt so light and free...I'm smiling as a type. Who knew while working on the outside, the inside would go through so many changes.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Peaceful day

I finally had a peaceful, relaxing a day. I got my workouts in and Lorenzo actually let me get it done. He only had one melt down while I was doing Fire 55 EZ so I needed the break. My house is a complete disaster and the bathroom is only half decorated. ARG! So many things to do and there just isnt enough time in the day. Do you ever feel like you have a ton of stuff to do and as you go down your to do list you never get done? I mean it's like I add more things than I check off! I am redecorating my bathroom and my son's room. The bathroom is easy because it's now navy blue and white which is perfect for summer. The problem is my sons room is his room 90% of the time. The other 10%, his sister Tayler shares the room with him. I would love to give him a really fun, toddler room but I dont want her to feel uncomfortable. Also, I feel like he will be transitioning to a toddler bed soon and be out of his crib and the design I have in mind involves his crib! Decisions, decisions. At least my workouts are coming together and I am getting through them easier. I had a little back pain today during a HIIT workout but it seems to be gone now.

We have the Memorial Day Parade here in Farmersville tomorrow so that will be nice. It's super fun and kind of cheesy but it's nice to watch. My plan for tomorrow is to get up at 7, get my cleaning done by 9 and do my Turbo Fire until 10. Then I will be free to watch the parade and enjoy the day!

Sunday, May 29, 2011


I stepped my game up in preparation of Summit next month. I am doing 2-3 workouts a day and man its kickin my butt. I'm fine tuning my routine right now so hopefully I can maximize my results. I am coming along nicely though. I'm in a size 10 right now and I would be awesome if I can get into a size 8 by Summit. After that, I would like to get into a size 2 by August 1!

Steve is still working a lot so its very difficult to stay on task. I am with Lorenzo all day and all evening and I have to work out while he is sleeping or playing and not paying attention to me. It gets hard though. I'm excited at the fact that I am getting so close to my goals. Its a strange feeling to look at myself in the mirror because I still see the same size 16 girl. I have to take pictures to see that I am actually much smaller. Hopefully this will go away! I don't have body issues or anything like that I think it's just that its all happening so quickly and it's hard to wrap my brain around my new body.

I cleaned out my closet and put all my too large clothes in trash bags to be donated. I feel so free! Now my closet is completely empty. All I have are work out clothes so hopefully that translates to more business!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Almost 30 days in

Yuck...I'm almost 30 days into this round of P90x/Turbo Fire/Brazil Butt Lift (picture time) and I feel great but Im not sure I am having the results I want. I think I kind of do this every month though so we will wait for the 30 day measurements. Doing 2-4 workouts a day is VERY HARD! It's kickin my butt for sure. I am trying to prepare for Summit which will be here June 15th! I am soooooooooooo excited. I will get to see some of my favorite peeps and I can pick their brains about Beach Body, coaching and their transformation. Im eating great, feeling great and so looking forward to tomorrow!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Two and a half months left

So I just realized today that I am half way through my first 30 days of the 90 day challenge. I'm so excited! I am doing really well too. I have 3 work outs a day most days but I do have rest days! I am totally looking forward to what my body will look like in two and a half months.

I have so much fun interacting with my fellow coaches and I'm learning so much. I know exactly what kind of Beach Body Business Owner I am as well as what kind I am striving to become. I am working on my own time clock. I am not in competition with my teammates because I know that once the time is right, I will be flooded with emails and so many coach requests that I will be busy out of my mind. I have what other coaches don't. I am a survivor. I am a hard worker. I am dedicated. I am focused on helping people more than making money. I believe it's not too late for me to follow my dreams!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Week #2 of the Sumer Slim Down Challenge

We are now in week 2 of the Summer Slim Down Challenge and man did I struggle in week 1. I ended up working out everyday but I didnt do 3 of my p90x workouts and I feel so incredibly guilty about that. Steven and Lorenzo took me out for Mother's Day yesterday and we went to my favorite place, Las Palmas. I ate some chips and salsa of course. I had a shrimp cocktail for my appetizer and chicken fajitas for my entree...delicious! I definitely ate more than I do for any one meal and I sure as hell felt it about 30 minutes later. We went to the grocery store and walked around and I thought I was going to end up rolling down the aisles of the store! I beat myself up about the meal for a while but really, it was not that big a deal. I sure didn't order what I normally order there which is fried stuff drenched with cheese, sour cream, guacamole and sauce! I feel like I am catching a cold but it doesn't matter I am still going to work out. I have this crazy idea that by the end of this 90 day challenge I can lose 40 lbs, 10 inches from my waist, and 3 inches from each thigh! Since turbo fire is one of the new programs I have incorporated into my routine, I believe it allows for 20 weeks so by the end of that I would like to be down a total of 60-70 pounds and 15-17 inches from my waist and 6 inches from each thigh. I'm doing the work so I know the results will follow!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bit off more than I can chew

I am in day two of my new workout plan...Brazil Butt Lift/P90x/Turbo Fire and man oh man am I in pain! My body is aching so bad. I feel like I did when I first started P90x. Today I had Plyometrics and I barely got through it...I'm so sore! I'm not going to quit though. The plan is to take off another 4-7 inches from waist, 5 inches from my hips, 3 inches from each thigh and 2 inches from each arm...all within the next 88 days. I realize this is an extremely aggressive goal but I am going to try my best. With all the cardio I am doing I should start burning fat like a mad woman! I'm most looking forward to the fat shredding and the butt lifting! Man, just thinking about my beach body and swimming in a pool makes me smile. I haven't even worn shorts in public in like 5 years! I still have a long way to go but I am so proud of how far I have come. My team gives me so much support and I have made some great friends; Farah, Abby Fix, Kati, Markie, Juri, Jasmine, Amanda and of course Lindsay! Amanda Allen is my success partner and she is amazing! I cant believe I am actually having fun exercising!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Summer Slim Down...Starts today!

I'm not sure why I am still up. I cleaned my house from top to bottom, over the span of 4 long hours and I should be exhausted. If I could work out right now without interrupting my family I totally would.

So lets get down to business. The Summer Slim Down Challenge starts today. I am pretty excited about it. I entered my two cousins in the competition so hopefully, with my coaching, they both do very well. I am in the contest as well but more so to push myself for the next 90 days to have the best possible results I can have. I have decided to tackle 3 programs for the next 90 days. P90x, Brazil Butt Lift and Turbo Fire. I know, I know, I'm a mad woman but I'm going to push myself and if its too much then its too much and I have to wait a bit before doing all three but I think I will be just fine. I did some turbo fire last week during my recovery week and it kicked my butt big time. Doing those routines will definitely make this flab melt away.

I posted my 1-90 day result pics today and it actually felt good. I have come so far and I was happy to share that moment with my team. I'm making so many awesome friends. I feel so lucky to have chosen Bombshell Dynasty. We are a smart, driven, determined, health conscious and motivated group of people. There is so much kindness and honesty and I love it!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Time to post pics!

Well the time has come to post my progress pictures. I was super nervous about it- just was not looking forward to it at all. After reading the posts of people that are new to our Team Bombshell Dynasty support group I now have the courage to post my pictures. There are many people in better shape than I, and many people that are not as fit as I, either way, we have all arrived at the same place...we want to be fit! I am so thrilled at the number of people in our support group as well as all the people who have signed up for our summer slim down challenge. The competition will be awesome but more importantly, at the conclusion of the challenge, everyone will be more fit than they were 30, 60, 90 days prior.

I am all about accountability so I will certainly post my pictures on our coach page, support page and challenge page. I think I'm going to post my pics here as well...and maybe work on my transformation video for you tube. I am so excited about challenge! Can you tell?

The best part of this challenge, is it gave me the opportunity to help two of my family members. Two of my very smart and beautiful, however, unhealthy cousins, will be participating and I am so proud f them. They have pledged to take the first step in changing their life and I think its awesome. I'm so proud of them!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Team Bombshell Weekly Call

Had a great team call this evening. So many good points were brought up and there was so much information provided. As the days go by, I am becoming more comfortable with this business. My team is ripping it up and performing so well. At times I feel like I am slacking because I am not signing coaches. I also am not marketing myself the way I could be-partly because I am not yet to a point where I want to share pictures of my body. I am in week 13 and I am extremely proud of myself for sticking with this program and for changing my life. My body is transforming and I have more energy and confidence. I feel better than I have in years, shouldn't I be happy to share my before and current pictures? I don't really feel like I am ever going to have "after" pictures because this is a journey for life. I am starting my next 90 days on Monday and I am so excited. I think I'm going to bit the bullet and post my pictures this weekend. Makes sense considering my team has a competition starting May 1 and it requires pictures. Wish me luck!

I started Turbo Fire today and I have to tell was INTENSE! I enjoyed myself so much because of all the dancing but man, it was fast paced and required a great deal in coordination. I'm doing this 5 day inferno for Turbo Fire so hopefully it pays off.

You know they say that once you get something in line in your life other things go wrong...uh, that's so right. I am so focused on my transformation and my beach body business that I have neglected school. I'm not doing very well and the worst part is, I dint even feel bad about it. I am having so much fun making friends with the folks in my group that school just isn't a major issue for me. I'm going to try to get back into school...going to class everyday is good advertisement for Team Bombshell!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter with the fam-bam

I went down to Orange County for Easter with my family and I had a really great time. We started the weekend off with dinner at my uncle Mateo's house. He is also doing P90x and looks HAWT! He prepared a delicious, healthy dinner for us. I love that some members of my family are becoming so health conscious. We had great company and Lorenzo was able to kick and splash in the Jacuzzi.

We had Easter dinner at my grandmas house in Santa Ana and that was delish! I ate a cup of her mac & cheese, ham, prime rib, fruit and veggies. I was so proud of myself. I didn't stuff my face and I didn't eat any candy. See, I am learning something!

Everyone was so happy to see us and they could see that I have been working very hard. There were so many questions about my diet and exercise regimen and I was more than happy to answer. I think I convinced a couple of them to climb aboard the Team Bombshell train but I don't want to get ahead of myself. Today is day 1 of week 13...recovery week. I am so anxious to get to Monday so I can start my Turbo Fire/Brazil Butt Lift/P90x hybrid. If all goes well I should be quite the hot tamale in 90 days!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Nearing the end of my first 90 day transformation

So, I am now 87 days into my P90x program and I am not sure how I feel about that. I mean, I have had really great results and I am so happy about it but its almost like the cold feet you experienced right before your high school graduation. Will I have the drive and determination to proceed to my 2nd 90 day transformation? Will I step up my game and really BRING IT? Uh, hell-to-the-yes! Im beyond excited about the next cycle. Im going completely animal style and doing a P90x/Turbo Fire/Brazil Butt Lift hybrid. I know, I know, it seems like a lot and it may prove to be too much but I wont know until I try. Meanwhile, I am trying to figure out whether I want to go out and buy new clothes. I started this program January 25, 2011 weighing 205 pounds and wearing a size 16. I am now 183 pounds and I wear a size 10. I went to Old Navy yesterday to buy some new jeans so I dont have to rock the "toddler mushy-butt" look anymore. I tried on about 6 pair of boot cut jeans because I didnt want skinny jeans and they all looked weird in different areas. The belly pooched out because my waistline is so much smaller than my hips. Damn! I bought two pair that are going back tomorrow. On a brighter note, I was able to buy medium tank tops. Yeah, your eyes read that right, medium tank tops. The last time I wore medium tank tops I was 16 years old!

Im so excited to be going down south to visit my family this holiday weekend. Most of them dont know I have been working out so they should be pretty surprised. I had a great call with my Beach Body Coach Lindsay this afternoon and I must say, I feel even more confident about making these positive changes in my life. The day I decided to take my health into my own hands was the greatest day of my to my sons birth! This year is taking such a wonderful turn and I couldnt be happier.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Natures Bronzer - A Diet Rich in Fruit and Veggies Can Give You a Healthy Glow

Carotenoids in some fruits and vegetables (the yellow, orange and red pigments in their skins) bestow a healthy, attractive glow to those who consume them. "Most people think the best way to improve skin color is to get a suntan, but our research shows that eating lots of fruit and vegetables is actually more effective," stated Ian Stephen, PH.D, of the University of Nottingham.

Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables rich in carotenoids, such as carrots, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, cantaloupe, guava, pink grapefruit and such green vegetables such as spinach, kale, Romaine, broccoli and collard greens.

Getting Started

So here I am, writing a blog about healthy living. Yeah, I know, totally random right but see I have changed. I am not the same girl that you used to know. Wanna know why? I started P90x January 25, 2011. I woke up that day, went to see my dietitian and realized that I had only lost about 15 pounds since my last visit with her 3 months prior. I was frustrated, sad and falling into a depression. I got home and told Steven all about it and he said the words that changed my life, "babe, lets do P90x together." Well of course I said, no. I didn't want to be ripped up with big 'ol man arms and look like I was hulked up on steroids. So Steven suggested I go to you tube and check out some of the transformation videos. So I did. So at first, several of the videos weren't that great and just didn't show results that I was desperate to have. Then I stumbled upon Ms. Lindsay Matway's transformation video.

"OMG, look at her stomach," is basically what I said. She had amazing results and I wanted similar results. So at that point I did what I always do when researching something or someone...I googled her. I found out a lot about her and found her Beach Body page. I learned 3 very important things about Lindsay. She was a very smart business woman, she was eager to help others and most importantly she was a mommy. So I went online and selected Lindsay as my coach. I emailed her to introduce myself, alert her of the change and talk about my goals. She responded quickly and answered all of my questions, no matter how silly or how complicated. I was on my way.

I put together a meal plan, including Shakeology for my first 90 days (which I am still in). The change in eating was super easy for me, it was the exercise that literally kicked my butt. Man oh man, I dreaded every moment of P90x for the first two weeks. I even cried the first time I did Plyometrics. Then after the first month something started to happen. The work outs were still intense but I no longer felt like quitting. I actually wanting to keep pushing through the pain to burn more calories. My clothes were fitting lose and I was feeling great.

About a month ago, an online support group was created just for my team. We talk to one another and address or struggles and ask questions. This forum has helped me tremendously. There is always some one to answer my questions. There is never a time when I feel all alone. Then just last week, I decided to take the plunge and become a coach. I know, I know, you're probably thinking that I still have a long way to go. Well that is true. I have a long way to go before reaching my maintenance phase, however, I still have the ability to be in this fight with you, struggling with you and supporting you. We can do this together!